Aug 22Liked by wesley anna

ahhh i loved this so much! i’m currently twenty five and idk what the f to do with my life, i’ve been feeling lost and overwhelmed, but at the same time i’m grateful that i get to spend time with my family, eat my mother’s meals every single day, see my dad’s art, go to concerts with my sister, play with my dog, and i think that’s what matters (for now), because someday it will stop happening, the life i’m living right now might not be the same next year, and that’s just life! a lot of changes, challenges, laughs, tears, and !!!! reading your experience (and watching ur vlogs) are so comforting to me, you’ve helped me to stay away from the fear of growing up, cuz everything eventually will fall into place, and everything will be okay :) thank u wesley<3 (ur dog is so cute btw!!)

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Personally I find no reason to fear growing up after I discovered a long time ago that we never truly do. Everyone's always figuring it out until the very end. Sounds like you're living through a beautiful season of life and I hope you're soaking up every second!

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Aug 22Liked by wesley anna

When I was 18 I was terrified of being mediocre.

I internalised my parents insistent pushing and the praise from my school's career counselor. I was told I had to work "twice as hard for half as much". I labelled my creativity as an evil sink hole that would ruin me and my family.

I entered university, hustled my way to a shiny desk, and 14-16 hour work days.

I met everything on my "dream" bucket list - became an investment banker, visited New York, and made six figures a year.

But, I just wanted to write, connect with people, and enjoy nature.

So, two years since leaving *the dream* -- I'm a copywriter. I take walks in nature every morning, I watch clouds, I soak up the sun shine, and I take pics of cute squirrels. I stop, ask people how they are, and genuinely wait for their response. I spend more time with my family and friends than I have in ten years.

Mediocre suited me just fine.

Thanks Wes ^___^

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"Mediocre suited me just fine." Love this. Although what you described sounds far from mediocre, but I think you knew that already. :)

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Aug 22Liked by wesley anna

Hi Wes!! ★彡

I don’t know how you did it, but you took the words out of my chest and wrote them. This is crazy. Thank you for sharing, I have to share this with my partner. This is exactly what I’ve been experiencing and I’ve been confused about the clarity I have after making up my mind to move. I thought I’d be sad but really it feels like things are starting to fall into place (like you’ve expressed).

I’m stoked to hear from you here on Substack!! I’ve been using your moving videos to body double so that I actually pack. (thank you haha)

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I hope your move is driving you less crazy than mine is! It's definitely a confusing time but I've found that it always turns out for the better once things settle. <3

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